> Events > Community Bakery for Baseco and Payatas

Community Bakery for Baseco and Payatas

  • Springboard Foundation funded a community bakery for Baseco and Payatas, in partnership with Hope Worldwide. The project included the purchase of equipments and materials needed, training of the baker and teachers in making bread and other baking skills, training and meetings of the Management Committee for the projects which involves representatives from the school, HOPE and Nutrition Center of the Philippines, advocacy to schools about nutrition and it’s importance and potential integration in their lessons. As concluded, the community bakery connected with the people’s day-to-day living. Not only was it a way of diverting individuals from potentially engaging in wrong doings, but also an introduction to the people in the community on how to be productive and soon be their stepping stone into having their own businesses to start with.

Would you like to support a community bakery?
Cost: 220,000 Pesos
*Prices may change over time.